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Showing posts from November, 2015

flans mod for minecraft

Today I am going to be showing you the flans mod for minecraft this mod is really cool if you just like minecraft because you need to like airplanes in minecraft and helicopters, cars to because there is. my favorite stuff in this mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my favorite stuff in this mod is the realistic guns you should see how many guns and snipers there's even rocket launcher's the final thing that I love in this mod is the airplanes that have guns on them just saying guys they shoot . One thing about this mod it's not like normal mod when you download it I am not saying it's a software you just need to read how to download it. How to install Flan’s Mod for Minecraft: Download and install  Minecraft Forge . Download the mod. Go to %appdata%. Go to .minecraft/mods folder. Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it. If one does not exist you can create one. Get some  content packs . Now run Minecraft through the launcher and quit. R

Minecraft Super Heros Mod

I'm going to be talking about the superheros unlimeted mod for minecraft. If you you have herd about the Marvel Avengers you can think about there powers and put them  into minecraft. This mod makes survival so much more easy you can fly and run like a wild man but not only that check out the really awesome weapons to here is the link super hero mod There's two different kinds of superhero mods to download. To be a superhero in survival you are going too need to go mining a lot. My favorite super hero in this mod is the hulk he's really fast but not as fast as the flash. Speaking of the flash press f  to go even faster then you are the real flash and I watch the flash, it's really a good tv show so here is the link to netflix for it the flash

Recommended useful mods for minecraft

Have you ever felt like minecraft needs useful mods for it if you don't think there's useful mods well there is im going to be showing you the top 5 recommended mods that are my opinion. 5:the first mod is the telopad mod you can teloport to any where you want even threw dimensions.  $ 4:the next one is optifine it makes your game run better and you can zoom in.   @awesome 3: this mod is called damage indicators mod when you have mods like orespawn if you know that mod you can check how much health mobs have.   sweet :D 2:this mod is called zans mini map in minecraft you get lost a lot with this mod you can make waypoints and telport to them and when you die you can teloport to your latest death. #yes:) 1: this the most useful mod to me you call it not enough items you can cheat for tons of items but if your playing a survival you would not do that and you can look at crafting recipes by pressing r you can search and look at it and if you press u you can loo

your awesome

This is just a post to say thank you to every body that has been supporting me and my blog it's just been the best months of my life.

monster legends for the ipad :)

So I got this game like 5 months the name of the game is monster legends I really recommend it to anybody. The maker of monster legends is kasia she lives in poland and it seems like she likes a lot of monster games she made dragon city monster legends social wars, social empire. Here is the link to the website that the creator made #monsterwebsite . So the game is a animated video game and it's about collecting as much monsters as you can the other goal is to get super good monsters and battle to get food and prizes there are dungeons pvp there is just to many cool things that I cant say all of them I recommended this to people who like simulation games and battle games. #peaceout