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Wizard101 online video game

Warning  rated 10 and up

You are going to need too download this game on to your computer, so go to Here's the link

Wizards101 is a really cool game if you login.You are going to talk to strangers, but you can't Say any thing mean. You can only say the words Wizards 101 gives you. It is a good way to make online friends in a safe way for kids.

You start in the commons, then you travel to unicorn way. You can choose what you look like and Choose what kind of wizard you want to be. I'm a fire wizard, and It's a rpg game.

The main thing in the game is to go on realy cool quests. You can buy pets and mounts. I'm trying to buy a unicorn mount, and my pet pig is named miss sam. I wish I could name it night wood
pvp too.

Sometimes the quests are huge or sometimes small, but most of them are a medium sized. When You hit a level 8 wizard you will have to pay fake money in the game or real money to unlock Different towns in the game.

How to get a pet:

To get a pet you need to be a level eight or seven. You can ask for help when you go to the the wizard That owns wizard city. He's a npc. There's a section that says a pet, click on that and go get the pet quest. I got a flying pig, they can fly now.

Your going to need to go to a place called pet pavilon I think?...  after you go around, and talk to all
The people in the pet pavilon?... , if you look on the side of your computer there will be like a Weird thing that will hatch your pet.
#eggthing :-D

pvp battles

PVP is really really cool. It's not about wining it's about having fun you can meet a lout of friends but when they win sometimes they might say something like that was easy, but then they just say sorry.

If your a starter and just about to learn PVP, first you are going to need to talk to someone called Diego the duel master, and there is going to be a place where you can pick. I would do train first to get You different cards to battle, then you would ask to train, then you can meet like tons of friends,and Have fun battling.

When you get into the game it's going to be harder, and harder but you get more powerful.


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